Victoria's On-Farm Internet of Things Trial
We are honoured to be awarded as one of supplies of IOT device and application!
(see our products publised in cataglue)
About the trial program (details)
The trial is part of the Victorian Government’s $45 million Connecting Victoria initiative to improve digital technology and infrastructure across regional Victoria.
Through the On-Farm IoT Trial, Agriculture Victoria will partner with up to 600 farms to trial on-farm IoT technology and evaluate the impact these technologies can have on farm performance.
Under the trial, Agriculture Victoria is supporting the delivery of IoT connectivity to the trial regions and partnering with participating farmers to test the impact of IoT on Victorian farms.
The trial is taking place across four farm types and regions. Network connectivity for the trial is expected to cover the local government areas of Wellington for dairy, Buloke for grains, Loddon for sheep, and Greater Shepparton and parts of Moira (Cobram and surrounds) for horticulture.
The Expression of Interest process for the first funding round of the trial was open from 5 July to 2 August 2019 and is now closed.
The trial will run for two years and support the adoption of IoT on hundreds of farms across the four farm types and trial regions: