Victoria's On-Farm Internet of Things Trial
We are honoured to be awarded as one of supplies of IOT device and application!
PUTD IOT Technology's products listed in the program catalogue
1. Smart IOT devices Hub
Connects PUTD Water Sensors to LoRaWAN. Can support more than one sensor
Connects PUTD Water Sensors to LoRaWAN. Can support more than one sensor
Connects PUTD Air Sensors to LoRaWAN. Can support more than one sensor
2. Soil sensors
Test soil volumetric water content
Test soil volumetric water content, electrical conductivity and temperature
Test soil soil water suction/tension/potential (plant available water) and soil temperature.
3. Plant growth status sensor
Measures leaf wetness which can be used to identify when to spray, quantify water storage in the canopy, and monitor for foliar diseases including rust and blight.
Measures plants, small trees and branches <50 mm diameter.
Measures circumference of plants >50 mm diameter
Measures circumference of circular fruit, up to 110 mm diameter
4. Water sensors
Measures accumulated water consumption in pipes using ultrasonic pressure sensor
Measures liquid levels, based on pressure, up to 50 m; Monitor and control the water storage in dam, pool, tank etc.
Measures water quality and temperature by tracking conductivity; Ensure the quality of water for plants and live stocks.
5. Air humidity & Temperature sensors
Measures air temperature to 125°C and 100% relative humidity
6. Software
Dashboard Device Management & Automation for Farm
Plots data from IoT devices onto dashboard in graph form and maps device locations.
Alarms can be set to alert on thresholds