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Water Conductivity Sensor

Item name: Water Conductivity Sensor


Catalogue number: PUTD-SE615

Device Description:


Water quality monitoring is mainly involved in plant irrigation, fisheries and animal husbandry, monitors the water resource to ensure the safety of the water utilization, so as to discover in advance some unknown or possible water algae, salinity, and water pollution sources, thus makes it possible for control in advance.


The water conductivity sensor will work with PUTD IOT Technology’s Smart Water Device to form site test appliance. By uploading data through wireless network, this combination will be further working with our cloud base IOT software platform(PUTD DSS) to provide the data view of water conductivity and temperature.

Smart Water Device:

This is the hardware platform which at one end interfaces with variety of industrial sensors for agriculture (water conductivity sensor this time) to collect field data and at the other end adopting one of radio connectivity systems to exchange the information with application software resides in data centre. (details)


Sensor description:


The SE 615 conductivity sensor uses a Memosens connector system with 2 graphite detection electrodes for minimal maintenance. The integrated temperature detector provides automatic temperature compensation during sensor calibration and operation. The sensor is designed to measure conductivity and temperature in industrial processes simultaneously.


This sensor SE15 is from Knick company. 

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  • Manage water quality especially Salinity by monitoring water EC sensor data

    • Test, monitor and validate the water EC data to ensure the irrigation water salty level is not exceeding the tolerance level for plant/livestock health growth and fruit/corp/livestock yield quality and quantity. 

    • Water EC sensor data can work with soil EC data, and  soil water content to form soil salinity management tools.

    • Water temperature is also one of considered factors when irrigation and in addition, it may have influence on the trend of water changes.   
  • Work with ​our Water Flowmeter Sensor and Liquid/Water Level Sensor to form a tools to manage water quality and quantity
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